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99. Emotional Reactivity and Emotional Storms (Depression and Anxiety Coping Skills Podcourse)

In this episode, Dr. Henry Emmons talks about emotional reactivity and its profound relationship with anxiety and depression, especially recurring episodes of depression. Henry will take you through a real-life example of how an emotional storm (aka emotional reactivity) was triggered by a seemingly simple situation. And as the example highlights, this powerful cascade from an initial hurt to a personal storyline can feel uncontrollable. The good news is that emotional reactivity can be worked with and reduced. It is not a permanent trait. Henry will cover some essential skills to navigate these emotional storms so that you can respond skillfully in the face of life's challenges and work to relieve anxiety and reduce the chances of future episodes of depression. 


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Some reminders from this episode:

  • Getting grounded when you feel the surge of emotions is a powerful skill to reduce the impact. Experiment with methods like aromatherapy, comforting food, or connecting with your senses to bring stability.
  • Mindfulness is essential to interrupt an emotional storm at various stages. Become aware of your thoughts, identify the personal narrative, and work to halt impulsive speech or actions.
  • This is not easy! Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Truly, every step you take to break this cycle is a step towards a more resilient and joyful you. 


Sources and Notes:

  • This episode is part of our Podcourse! To get the most of the course, you may want to follow along in order, beginning with episode #78 and you can visit the Podcourse Page to find all the episodes. However, these episodes can be listened to in any order and you can take action with any strategy that you feel connected to. 
  • Where to shop:
  • Resilient Remedies: This is where you can find our line of trusted, high-quality CBD gummies: https://www.resilientremedies.com/
  • Resilience Quiz and free Mini-CourseBased on decades of clinical experience, we've created a model of resilience that is both helpful and practical. True to our approach at Natural Mental Health, we start with strengths. You'll identify these strengths in your Resilience Type. Your Resilience Type highlights your unique strengths, what fuels your joy, what keeps you in balance, and the lifestyle practices that most nourish you. After you find your Resilience Type, sign up for your free mini-course to receive tailored lifestyle practices (e.g., foods to eat more of, ideal forms of exercise, supplements, and mindfulness activities) that can support your mood, resilience, and overall wellbeing.
  • Resilient Community: Access lots of extra resilience-boosting resources (like our Sleeping Well Workshop) AND you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources (like this podcourse) stay accessible to everyone.  
  • Joy Lab Program: Take the next leap in your wellbeing journey with step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life.
  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.
  • Check out our favorite resilience-boosting reads: https://bookshop.org/shop/NMHreads

Please remember that this content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Please consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program.

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