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79. What's Depression... Really? (Depression and Anxiety Coping Skills)

Most definitions of depression make it sound like a universal, clear-cut state of "dysfunction." We don't think that's true. At Joy Lab, we believe in a holistic approach to mental health. We understand that the mind, body, and heart are interconnected, and we're here to empower you to address all aspects of your wellbeing. That means that this thing we call depression (and anxiety and stress) doesn't just show up in one domain or identically for every person. Depression is a dynamic, evolving experience. And in the majority of cases, it's just a natural part of living this human life. In this episode, we'll dig into this thing we call depression and outline a bit more about the full podcourse we're embarking on together. 


Note: This episode is part of our Podcourse! To get the most of the course, you may want to follow along in order, beginning with episode #78. However, these episodes can be listened to in any order and you can take action with any strategy that you feel connected to. 


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Here are some essential steps to get the most out of the course:

  1. Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.

  2. Follow the Joy Lab Podcast: Make sure you're following us on your preferred podcast platform to stay in the loop.

  3. Join the Resilient Community: Join our Resilient Community to not only gain access to lots of extra resilience-boosting resources, but you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources (like this course) stay accessible to more folks, in effect creating more resilient communities that benefit us all.

  4. Visit Our Podcourse Page: This is your go-to place to find all episodes in one convenient place for easy reference and sharing.


About the course: The Podcourse covers some of the most essential coping skills for depression, anxiety, and chronic stress. However, we don't think "coping" is where we should stop. We'll work through the resilience-boosting strategies that nourish your body, mind, and heart in meaningful ways. This moves the goal from not just feeling better, but truly embracing your most resilient and joyful self.


What to Expect: We've structured this program systematically, addressing the three pillars of body, mind, and heart. You can expect new episodes every Wednesday and Saturday, filled with invaluable strategies and resources.

We understand it may seem complex, but we're committed to making it straightforward and accessible. Take what resonates with you and suits your unique journey. We'll be right here with you, setting the stage before Henry guides you through each lesson. Our goal is to provide you with actionable insights to support your mental health. 


Links and Sources:

  • Resilient Community Find lots of resources to support you and you'll join a crew of inspiring people who are building their resilience and joy while also helping to keep our Joy Lab podcast in existence!
  • Joy Lab Program (step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life).