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Learning to Love Well: Love Yourself First

Episode #21

Way back in episode #6, we introduced the 5 lessons of loving well. These are powerful little strategies, so we wanted to get into each a bit more. So, that’s what we’ll do for these next 5 episodes. The first lesson and the focus of this episode is “Learn to Love Yourself First.” We'll talk about why this really matters and how you can build up your love and self-acceptance in realistic ways.


Side note: We'll start releasing weekly episodes in September! Tune in every Wednesday for new infusions of joy. Be sure to subscribe/follow the Joy Lab Podcast on your favorite podcast platform so new episodes appear in your feed. And please give us a top rating/review on that platform to help spread more joy. 


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Key Takeaways:

  • There's a deficiency in self-acceptance and it plays out in a lot of ways that harm us all. 
  • We were born with self-acceptance, but need guidance to sustain that healthy self-identity. If you lost it, it can be recovered.
  • A key strategy to love yourself more is mindful self-acceptance.
  • Key steps for mindfulness include: See what is, Accept what is, Act wisely. We use these steps a lot in the Joy Lab program.
  • Self-acceptance continues on and on, it gets easier, but we're always practicing this art. 


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