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A bird's eye view of a green, tomato, and onion salad on a dark wooden table. Text reads: Eat fresh for Mental Health

Warm Weather Inspiration: Eat Fresh for Mental Health

nutrition Jun 12, 2023

The availability of so many fresh fruits and vegetables during our warmer seasons can serve as inspiration to eat a wider variety of foods that come with the season and that nourish your body, mind, and heart. 

Here are two strategies to focus on:

Connect to Fresh

  • Incorporating more fresh foods into your diet is great for every aspect of your system. And when you start with fresh food (vs. already prepared), you may find yourself connecting more deeply to your food. This connection matters as it can help you eat more in tune with what your system really needs. 
  • Specific action: Get to the source of your food. This may mean that you visit a farmers market twice this month, join a CSA, start a windowsill garden, or just do a bit more grocery shopping and cooking. 

Add One More

  • Simple steps make a big difference when it comes to creating healthy eating habits. Committing to one new practice this month can set you up for nourishment that continues on.
  • Specific Action: Choose one more food or meal per day or week that is fresh and healthy. Set your goal of Add One More so that it's realistic for you. You can always Add One More again (and again) the next day or week! Note that foods don't have to be raw either- just prepared in healthy ways that serve you best.  

Want some more fresh eating inspiration? Come join us over at our Resilient Community! We encourage each other to explore new resilience-boosting challenges, talk about "Radically Sensible Eating," learn new wellbeing strategies, share insights, and more!



The Power of Plant-Forward Eating

There are many different terms for incorporating plants into your diet; plant-based, plant-rich, plant-centric, vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian, and Mediterranean. But have you heard of plant-forward? Plant-forward is a way to improve overall health by keeping fruits and vegetables at the center of the plate and keeping animal proteins within the diet, but in smaller portions.  Learn more from Carolyn Denton, LN in this article

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program. See our terms for more information.

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