Evening Routine for Better Sleep
Jun 24, 2020
Before you begin your routine, it's important that you set a bedtime and wake-up time. Aim to get to bed at about the same time each night. Getting up at the same time each day can also help you keep a regular bedtime. Remember to choose times that are realistic for you and that give you 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
1-2 Hours Before Bed
Stop Work, Turn Off Devices, and Stay Away From the Bedroom. Stop any work-related tasks and turn off your electronics including the computer, iPad, and smart-phone. Keep the bedroom for sleep. Remove work-related items, TVs, or other electronic devices. Keep the room simple and uncluttered.
Dim the Lights. Keep your lights as low as you can, or even use candles. Darkness before bed will do amazing things for your natural sleepiness.
Practice at Least One Soothing Activity. Read a book, journal, color listen to light music, or spend time in prayer or meditation. If you like to take a warm bath or shower in the evening, do so at least one hour before bed so that your body is in the cooling-down phase at bedtime.
5-30 Minutes Before Bed
Be a Big Kid. Just like when you were a kid, your body loves a bedtime routine. Drink warm milk, brush teeth, go to the bathroom, get in bed, read a short bedtime story, then lights off. Create your own routine and make it pleasurable.
Be on Time, But Flexible. Go to bed when you’re sleepy—but not before. It's alright if that means you're a bit late for bedtime. You want to associate being in bed with sleeping, not lying there restlessly trying to get to sleep.
Sleep on Your Side. Research shows that you breathe easier and sleep better on your side.
Download the Evening Routine
Morning Routine for Better Sleep
Did you know? Your morning routine can greatly influence your sleep. Read more.