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Ashwagandha for Anxiousness: An Herb for Our Times

Ashwagandha for Anxiousness: An Herb for Our Times

anxiety supplements May 07, 2020
Henry Emmons, MD


What is Ashwagandha?*

In Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is thought to be one of the most valued remedies for a variety of conditions. It is one of my favorite herbs, and one of the few that I use personally as part of my daily regimen. It is known as an “adaptogen” or a “tonic” herb. That means that it isn’t considered to be a medicinal herb, per se, but is rather a general health tonic, one that is used to improve the body’s ability to adapt to stress.

Benefits of Ashwagandha for Sleep and Stress*

At Natural Mental Health, we’re most interested in Ashwagandha’s ability to support the body under stress, reduce anxiousness, and help with sleep. It is one of the rare substances that seems to improve mental focus and alertness, while at the same time toning down the stress response and calming anxiousness. It appears to calm the brain when it is overactive, and stimulate it when it is under-active. Not too much, not too little, but helping us to stay in the right mental zone. Who couldn’t use a little help with that?

How to Take Ashwagandha: Dosage*

The usual dosage is 250 mg twice daily (standardized to 1.5% withanolides). I prefer to use it as part of a more comprehensive formula including other adaptogens (e.g. eleuthero and rhodiola) and some key amino acids. In combination, these ingredients support one another synergistically. The whole becomes more powerful than its parts.*

Ashwagandha Supplements for Sleep and Stress Support

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If you need help reducing your reaction to stress, supporting your sleep or calming anxiousness, consider NuAdapt. Or, if your energy is low and you have to drag yourself out of bed, say in the middle of winter, you might prefer using TruAdapt. Both can be used for several months when needed to improve symptoms until your body returns to balance.*



NuAdapt contains a nootropic and a blend of adaptogenic botanicals and nutrients specifically formulated to counteract the effects of daily stress, improve mental performance, and support healthy energy levels.




TruAdapt provides a unique blend of “stress-adapting botanicals” which help increase the body’s resistance to fatigue, improve attention and immune function and maintain balanced cortisol and DHEA levels.*  

Potential Interactions and Side Effects

Known scientifically as Withania somnifera, ashwagandha is commonly called “winter cherry” and is part of the nightshade family. So, if you are someone who is sensitive to nightshades (e.g. tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant), you could potentially react to ashwagandha as well. Beyond that, it is quite well-tolerated in my experience. Theoretically, it could increase the sedating effects of certain medications like benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium), but I have rarely seen anyone complain of significant side effects. There is also some concern that it could interfere with the effect of immunosuppressant drugs, since it may enhance the immune system response. Finally, like most natural therapies, there is no good research to say that it is safe during pregnancy, so I don’t recommend folks take it if pregnant or nursing. 



*Note: Some of the supplements discussed in this article can cause side effects, but many people tolerate them much better than prescription medications. They are generally considered safe, however, they should not be started without your doctor’s knowledge and supervision. If you are taking medication already, be sure to talk with your doctor before adding any of these items. If you are considering going off medication, remember never to stop your medication suddenly—always consult with your doctor about how to safely taper off any psychiatric medication. See termsThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




Rhodiola for Joy and Calm

Traditionally, rhodiola has been used for energy and mental focus, but more recently it has been studied for its benefits with anxiety and depression.[1] A small study at UCLA showed benefit with generalized anxiety with minimal side effects.[2] It has been shown to improve serotonin and dopamine levels as well as countering the effects of cortisol.[3] Read more.

[See sources in linked article]



1. Chandrasekhar, et al. (2012). A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 34(3), 255-262.

2. Mishra et al. (2000). Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha): A review. Alternative Medicine Review 5(4), 334-346.

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program. See our terms for more information.

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