10 Strategies to Help You Sleep Better
Apr 15, 2021
Sleep is a foundational building block to support good mental health. Most adults need around 7-9 hours of high quality sleep each night.
Below are 10 of our top tips to help you improve your quality of sleep and support your mental health.
1. Keep electronics out of your bedroom.
This one seems so simple, but it really is powerful. And we get it... this is even harder if you're working from home in your office/bedroom. And it is tempting to work on your bed throughout the day or if you want to watch a movie or scroll on social media. However, do your best to try to bring these activities to another room, so that your bed is only associated with sleep. When you associate your bed with sleep (vs. work, tv, or social media), you'll very likely fall asleep more quickly.
2. Turn off your electronics two hours before bedtime OR wear blue light blocking glasses.
Limiting your screen time before bed can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. The light from your screens can interfere with your circadian rhythm, resulting in irregular sleep patterns or difficulty falling asleep. Many computers, phones, and tablets have a setting called "night mode" (or something similar) Use it! These settings adjust the blue light in your device and can also help support your sleep.
3. Go to bed at a consistent time, but especially wake up at the same time every morning (or within the hour).
This simple practice, particularly getting up at the same time, will help keep your sleep schedule consistent and supports your circadian rhythm.
4. Create an evening routine.
Nightly rituals and routines give your body cues that it's time to sleep soon. Try to include grounding and calming activities such as journaling, prayer, meditation, gentle yoga (try this yin yoga or restorative yoga practice), or stretching.
5. Keep your room temperature cool.
60-70 degrees is an optimal range for bedroom temperature at night.
6. Stop drinking caffeine by noon.
That afternoon cup of caffeine can be tempting but if you can, opt for a short nap instead (more on naps in the next tip). Read more about our thoughts on caffeine at this article.
7. Keep your naps under 30 minutes.
If you want a nap, keep it under 30 minutes. Short naps can be beneficial, whereas long naps can make you groggy and negatively impact your sleep at night.
8. Exercise during the day.
Exercising during the day will likely help you sleep better. Just remember to try and finish moderate to high intensity exercise at least three hours before you go to bed to keep your stress hormones down and your body cool at bedtime.
9. Try soothing and calming aromatherapy smells, such as lavender and frankincense.
Lavender & frankincense can help calm your nervous system while easing stress, sleep problems, & discomfort.
10. Tune your brain for sleep.
Listening to soothing music or nature sounds can help calm your system and help you sleep. You can even try special music that contains repetitive beats or rhythms that can synchronize brain wave frequencies in the listener. This process is called brainwave “entrainment.” Read more on tuning your brain for sleep here.
Phosphatidylserine for Joy, Calm, and Sleep
Phosphatidylserine, or PS (pronounced fos-fah-tie-dul-SEER-een) is what is known as a “phospholipid”—that is, it’s made up of both a fatty acid and an amino acid. Your body makes it from the ingredients in food. It is found in every cell in the body and it has a multitude of important functions. One of its biggest roles is to provide structure and support for brain cell membranes so that they can communicate properly with one another. It provides crucial protection for our neurons as we age, helping to preserve memory. It has also been shown to improve focus, mood and stress-resilience. Read more.